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Udara2Air Indonesia "Save The Environment" 2022

Udara2Air, we know that trillions of liters of pure fresh drinking water in the sky that is virtually invisible to us humans on the ground. Oh yes, we see lots of water when it rains, but that is only a small amount that is really there for the taking.

Udara2Air has the technology, machines and infrastructure to allow virtually any person on this planet to enjoy pure fresh drinking water, without the need of bottles, wells, and elaborate filtration methods for their municipal supply to give us the life sustaining sustenance we all deserve.


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Udara2Air is the leader and distribution of highly advanced atmospheric water generators that extract the moisture from the air and converts it into clean, pure drinking water. Water, essential for all aspects of life, is the world’s most valuable commodity and is becoming increasingly scarce.

The population of the world continues to increase, yet the clean and drinkable water supply continues to decrease. Throughout history, humans have always looked down while looking for a source for their water needs.


They have always extracted from holes in the ground, wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, and aquifers. All of these sources have one thing in common, which is that we are taking water out faster than nature can replace it.

Udara2Air brings an ecologically friendly and new source of pure drinking water to industry, businesses and home users alike.

Udara2Air provides truly affordable, state-of-the-art technology that is easy to operate and maintain. The technology taps into a water source that does not place more demands on Mother Earth–Pure water from the air we breathe!

Geert Koops

President Director

PT. Indonesia Water Micron World

Mobile: +62 (0) 8111541143


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